Hi! Didn't think you would hear from me again huh? Baby John is doing great and already 13 pounds..Wow! He is about 2.5 months and so cute and sweet. Carlos and Maria tell me how they have fallen in love with him and everyone else has that comes to visit. I receive pictures and videos often and absolutely love receiving them.
Maria is due any day but 'little brother' seems pretty content in there for now. I am so excited for them and their journey into this next chapter of their life.
Do I think about doing surrogacy again?.............hmmm...... Its always in the back of my mind ;)
Happy Holidays
The Babysitter.....off duty ;)
I decided to start a blog about my surrogacy journey so my friends who always ask me "don't you want to keep the baby" can see from start to finish 'how it really is not about that, but so much more'!!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
To my fellow Surrogates....(and anyone that cares to read this)
As you know from reading my blog this is the second surrogacy I have done and with those surrogacies I have dealt with the highs and the lows. I really try not to write about the lows but I really feel this is one that needs to be brought up.
I want to talk about those crazy hormones that we deal with. We deal with them when we give ourselves the medications to get our body ready for pregnancy, we deal with them while we are pregnant and we deal with them after we have the baby. The hormones you deal with while taking the medications and while pregnant are not fun but there is a pregnancy or upcoming pregnancy to be happy about. The hormones you deal with after having the baby are the ones I want to talk about.
When I did my first surrogacy a few days after having the baby I was a wreck, (no holding back, I'm throwing it all out there). I cried, felt gloomy, didn't want to be alone and moped around. Now let me just say those emotions are not me at all. I hardly cry, or show extreme emotion (ask my friend who calls me the ice queen), I am laid back, a generally happy person. So these extreme emotions threw me for a loop. I thought I was a terrible surrogate for feeling this way. After a day of feeling like this I called another surrogate friend who had had a surrogate baby a few weeks before me and broke down and told her "I am a terrible surrogate" and you know what she told me "That happened to me too"!And so I replied with a "What the heck, why is no one telling us that we would/could go through this". After hearing from her and another surrogate I contacted, I realized it happens quite often and IT WAS TOTALLY NORMAL!
During this crazy time for me I questioned myself; Was I sad the baby was going home with the parents-NO, was I sad I didn't have a baby-NO, what I WAS sad about was the feeling that the surrogacy was over. For months (10+) your life is consumed with the surrogacy process and being pregnant. You have people ask about your story, you have the IPs caring about you and your pregnancy, you have a new group of surrogate friends among all the other joys of being pregnant. And then bam you have the baby and it feels like all of that is over. I was lucky enough to have IPs who told me " It is not over but only the beginning for all of us". To this day I carry those words with me for both of my surrogacies.
So to all you Surrogates I want to say IT IS COMPLETELY NORMAL to have your hormones be out of whack after having the baby. And just because they are, does NOT mean you wanted to have the baby. What really helped me was talking to another surrogate while I was feeling down, sometimes friends that have never been surrogates just do not understand.
Yes, these darn hormones snuck up on me again after this last surrogacy, but I had surrogate friends who were there for me and listened to me and actually got to hear me cry ;)
These whacky hormones don't last for a long time, and before you know it you will be back to your old self, I promise!
To anyone who knows me and is reading this....I am here for you if you ever need to talk. :)
I want to talk about those crazy hormones that we deal with. We deal with them when we give ourselves the medications to get our body ready for pregnancy, we deal with them while we are pregnant and we deal with them after we have the baby. The hormones you deal with while taking the medications and while pregnant are not fun but there is a pregnancy or upcoming pregnancy to be happy about. The hormones you deal with after having the baby are the ones I want to talk about.
When I did my first surrogacy a few days after having the baby I was a wreck, (no holding back, I'm throwing it all out there). I cried, felt gloomy, didn't want to be alone and moped around. Now let me just say those emotions are not me at all. I hardly cry, or show extreme emotion (ask my friend who calls me the ice queen), I am laid back, a generally happy person. So these extreme emotions threw me for a loop. I thought I was a terrible surrogate for feeling this way. After a day of feeling like this I called another surrogate friend who had had a surrogate baby a few weeks before me and broke down and told her "I am a terrible surrogate" and you know what she told me "That happened to me too"!And so I replied with a "What the heck, why is no one telling us that we would/could go through this". After hearing from her and another surrogate I contacted, I realized it happens quite often and IT WAS TOTALLY NORMAL!
During this crazy time for me I questioned myself; Was I sad the baby was going home with the parents-NO, was I sad I didn't have a baby-NO, what I WAS sad about was the feeling that the surrogacy was over. For months (10+) your life is consumed with the surrogacy process and being pregnant. You have people ask about your story, you have the IPs caring about you and your pregnancy, you have a new group of surrogate friends among all the other joys of being pregnant. And then bam you have the baby and it feels like all of that is over. I was lucky enough to have IPs who told me " It is not over but only the beginning for all of us". To this day I carry those words with me for both of my surrogacies.
So to all you Surrogates I want to say IT IS COMPLETELY NORMAL to have your hormones be out of whack after having the baby. And just because they are, does NOT mean you wanted to have the baby. What really helped me was talking to another surrogate while I was feeling down, sometimes friends that have never been surrogates just do not understand.
Yes, these darn hormones snuck up on me again after this last surrogacy, but I had surrogate friends who were there for me and listened to me and actually got to hear me cry ;)
These whacky hormones don't last for a long time, and before you know it you will be back to your old self, I promise!
To anyone who knows me and is reading this....I am here for you if you ever need to talk. :)
Pictures of the little one...
Yay, I got the go ahead to post a few pictures of the baby. Lets call the baby 'John' (not his real name due to privacy). I will post a few pictures with this blog.
I had a great few weeks spending time with Carlos, Maria and John. I really got a chance to get to know them and see how they are as parents. They are very loving, caring, attentive and devoted parents! Phew... just kidding.. I had a feeling they would be. I feel a bonus to this surrogacy is that I really enjoyed them and would choose them as friends if we lived closer. We talk about me visiting there someday soon, especially to see baby #2 ... I really hope it can happen!
I had a great few weeks spending time with Carlos, Maria and John. I really got a chance to get to know them and see how they are as parents. They are very loving, caring, attentive and devoted parents! Phew... just kidding.. I had a feeling they would be. I feel a bonus to this surrogacy is that I really enjoyed them and would choose them as friends if we lived closer. We talk about me visiting there someday soon, especially to see baby #2 ... I really hope it can happen!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Welcome to the World Little One
Carlos and Maria's son was born October 7th at 12:14am weighing 8lbs 6oz.
Now to tell you how he came into this world.
I was scheduled to be induced on October 6th at 9am due to some high blood pressure spikes here and there (which always turned out to be fine once I relaxed a bit). So we go into Labor and Delivery at 9:15, oops a tad late (we had a valid reason though, I promise). The OB doctor checks to see if I have dilated (I was a 3) and other things and then he decides it would not be beneficial for us to induce. He was willing to but as soon as I heard the word possible c-section I asked to speak with Carlos and Maria about waiting till the baby decided it was time. They both agreed that we should do what was best for the baby and I and avoid a c-section if at all possible. After letting the doctor know we were going to wait he offered to scrape my cervix (sounds bad and yes it feels horrible as well) in the meantime to see if that would bring labor on.
As soon as he scraped my cervix I knew something was changing in my body. I had to sit down for a bit in the waiting room just to relax a bit before we headed out. I told Maria and Carlos that my body already felt different and maybe we could stay close to the hospital instead of going home 'just in case'. We decided to walk around Balboa Park for a bit and see if I could get the contractions going. As we were walking around I kept feeling extreme pain down the back of my legs (sciatica) which I would get only occasionally, but now I was feeling it every few minutes. To me this meant the little guy was moving down the birth canal and putting even more pressure on my sciatic nerve. So I knew we were getting somewhere with this labor. I was also feeling more contractions and they were strong but not strong enough to stop me in my tracks. So we kept walking and walking aaaaaannnddd walking. Till Maria suggested maybe we go back to the hospital and walk there just to be closer ( I guess she could see the pain was getting worse).
We got to the hospital and we sat for a few minutes and I swear my contractions eased up as well as the pain down the back of my legs. Hmmm now what?! Am I in labor or not?! So we eat lunch and walk more and more (even did some stairs). Finally after walking and looking down to see how swollen my feet were we come up with a plan. I will go back in to Labor and Delivery to get checked and if they say I have not dilated anymore we will go home but if they say things are progressing I would stay and walk more or be admitted.
My entourage (Carlos, Maria, Maria's sister, my friends Val, and Cora and my oldest daughter all go back up to Labor and Delivery. The OB smiles as we come back because he knew there was a good chance he would see me back that day. He checked me again and said I was at a 5!! He turns to us and says "So do you want to have a baby today?"
One of my first questions was " at what point can I have an epidural?" The wonderful doctor said "whenever you would like".. well all right lets get this party started!
The birth was wonderful, the pain was a distant thought almost the whole time except for an hour when the epidural wore off (I won't even go into how that felt). Carlos and Maria were there the whole time, it was a happy atmosphere the whole time (okay except for that hour), we were laughing and waiting and my daughter was taking this all in with pictures ( I want to get permission before I post any). The labor was about 8 hours long, not too bad when you really don't feel a thing ;) When it was time to push Carlos and Maria were by my head, Val on my left and my daughter on my right. 4 pushes and he was just about here, a couple little ones more and he entered this world and placed on my chest.
He was perfect, an apgar of 8-9. His parents were so happy and thrilled, I wish I could show you the pictures of their reaction upon first seeing him. He is such a cute, easy going baby. He did wonderfully in the hospital and was released 24 hours later when I was released.
The parents are still here and we see each other often, which I am so happy about. This journey for me is not all about having someones baby but also about the relationship that grows during the process. I think the hardest part is having to say goodbye to these people I now consider family/close friends. Hopefully it will not be a goodbye but an 'until next time'!
Now to tell you how he came into this world.
I was scheduled to be induced on October 6th at 9am due to some high blood pressure spikes here and there (which always turned out to be fine once I relaxed a bit). So we go into Labor and Delivery at 9:15, oops a tad late (we had a valid reason though, I promise). The OB doctor checks to see if I have dilated (I was a 3) and other things and then he decides it would not be beneficial for us to induce. He was willing to but as soon as I heard the word possible c-section I asked to speak with Carlos and Maria about waiting till the baby decided it was time. They both agreed that we should do what was best for the baby and I and avoid a c-section if at all possible. After letting the doctor know we were going to wait he offered to scrape my cervix (sounds bad and yes it feels horrible as well) in the meantime to see if that would bring labor on.
As soon as he scraped my cervix I knew something was changing in my body. I had to sit down for a bit in the waiting room just to relax a bit before we headed out. I told Maria and Carlos that my body already felt different and maybe we could stay close to the hospital instead of going home 'just in case'. We decided to walk around Balboa Park for a bit and see if I could get the contractions going. As we were walking around I kept feeling extreme pain down the back of my legs (sciatica) which I would get only occasionally, but now I was feeling it every few minutes. To me this meant the little guy was moving down the birth canal and putting even more pressure on my sciatic nerve. So I knew we were getting somewhere with this labor. I was also feeling more contractions and they were strong but not strong enough to stop me in my tracks. So we kept walking and walking aaaaaannnddd walking. Till Maria suggested maybe we go back to the hospital and walk there just to be closer ( I guess she could see the pain was getting worse).
We got to the hospital and we sat for a few minutes and I swear my contractions eased up as well as the pain down the back of my legs. Hmmm now what?! Am I in labor or not?! So we eat lunch and walk more and more (even did some stairs). Finally after walking and looking down to see how swollen my feet were we come up with a plan. I will go back in to Labor and Delivery to get checked and if they say I have not dilated anymore we will go home but if they say things are progressing I would stay and walk more or be admitted.
My entourage (Carlos, Maria, Maria's sister, my friends Val, and Cora and my oldest daughter all go back up to Labor and Delivery. The OB smiles as we come back because he knew there was a good chance he would see me back that day. He checked me again and said I was at a 5!! He turns to us and says "So do you want to have a baby today?"
One of my first questions was " at what point can I have an epidural?" The wonderful doctor said "whenever you would like".. well all right lets get this party started!
The birth was wonderful, the pain was a distant thought almost the whole time except for an hour when the epidural wore off (I won't even go into how that felt). Carlos and Maria were there the whole time, it was a happy atmosphere the whole time (okay except for that hour), we were laughing and waiting and my daughter was taking this all in with pictures ( I want to get permission before I post any). The labor was about 8 hours long, not too bad when you really don't feel a thing ;) When it was time to push Carlos and Maria were by my head, Val on my left and my daughter on my right. 4 pushes and he was just about here, a couple little ones more and he entered this world and placed on my chest.
He was perfect, an apgar of 8-9. His parents were so happy and thrilled, I wish I could show you the pictures of their reaction upon first seeing him. He is such a cute, easy going baby. He did wonderfully in the hospital and was released 24 hours later when I was released.
The parents are still here and we see each other often, which I am so happy about. This journey for me is not all about having someones baby but also about the relationship that grows during the process. I think the hardest part is having to say goodbye to these people I now consider family/close friends. Hopefully it will not be a goodbye but an 'until next time'!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
38 weeks and 6 days
Only 2 more days till this little one arrives, unless he comes sooner! I am so excited for Maria and Carlos to become a mommy and daddy!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Still waiting for the little guy!
Well his parents are here, they are all unpacked and ready, have the car seat in the car and are almost over the jet lag......now we wait for him to make his appearance!
I still feel contractions here and there but nothing yet that says "this is it, quick get in the car"!
But the good news is if he doesn't come this week, Saturday they will induce me. Everything looks good enough for them to... So Saturday at 9am they are walking through the door as a couple and will leave as a family!!
I still feel contractions here and there but nothing yet that says "this is it, quick get in the car"!
But the good news is if he doesn't come this week, Saturday they will induce me. Everything looks good enough for them to... So Saturday at 9am they are walking through the door as a couple and will leave as a family!!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
He tried to make another attempt
Yesterday I thought might be the day! But it luckily was not. I had been having contractions all day, I finally decided to go into the labor and delivery at the hospital to get checked before I drove the hour ride home (trying to avoid having a baby in the car experience)! I was having contractions 3 minutes apart and my cervix was at a 3 ( up from a 1 last week). They will admit you when your cervix is at a 4 so they suggested I walk for 2 hours and come back to be checked. So I walked and walked, did wonders for my sciatic pain (sarc). I had already let Carlos and Maria know what was happening and they decided it was best to get on a plane now instead of wait and possibly miss his birth. I let them know I might not have him today, it all depended on my cervix. But they felt it was best to come early and be here then miss his birth! So after walking I go get rechecked and nothing! No change to my cervix at all! Aggghhhh
Can I just say here and now trying to figure out when a baby is coming is THE hardest thing to figure out. So I am sent home. At this point Carlos and Maria are on their way and I am hoping we won't have to wait two weeks for him to be born, but I have no control over this ( mantra I repeat to myself)!
So today as I write this I am barely moving around, in fear he will play a trick on us and come only hours before his parents arrive. Once they are here tonight I can walk/ run/ dance/do hip hop (ok that's just a dream :)
I will keep you all updated,
The babysitter
Can I just say here and now trying to figure out when a baby is coming is THE hardest thing to figure out. So I am sent home. At this point Carlos and Maria are on their way and I am hoping we won't have to wait two weeks for him to be born, but I have no control over this ( mantra I repeat to myself)!
So today as I write this I am barely moving around, in fear he will play a trick on us and come only hours before his parents arrive. Once they are here tonight I can walk/ run/ dance/do hip hop (ok that's just a dream :)
I will keep you all updated,
The babysitter
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Hang in there little guy!
The countdown has begun! I am 37 weeks and a few days and am so happy I have made it this far. I had a little scare at 34 weeks but thankfully he wasn't fully committed to entering the world yet!
Last week I had a high blood pressure situation. Thankfully after a day of tests I don't have high blood pressure at all. ( I told them it has to be that my daughter has just started to drive and I'm a nervous wreck about it!) The upside of all the tests is I got to hear the little guy and see him real quick in an ultrasound. So sweet.
So yes I am very happy to make it this far, considering at this point if he comes he should be healthy and should not have to spend any time in the NICU.
BUT now the challenge is for him to wait till his momma and daddy arrive. 10 days!!! Come on baby hang in there!
Last week I had a high blood pressure situation. Thankfully after a day of tests I don't have high blood pressure at all. ( I told them it has to be that my daughter has just started to drive and I'm a nervous wreck about it!) The upside of all the tests is I got to hear the little guy and see him real quick in an ultrasound. So sweet.
So yes I am very happy to make it this far, considering at this point if he comes he should be healthy and should not have to spend any time in the NICU.
BUT now the challenge is for him to wait till his momma and daddy arrive. 10 days!!! Come on baby hang in there!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Still waddling along!
Hi All
Yes I am still pregnant! 5 weeks to go! Wow is that it? I can not believe it is almost over ( sad face). Yes I truly am one of those crazy women who enjoys being pregnant. I can actually let my stomach muscles relax and let it all 'hang out' and you can't even tell ;) And at this point the lil guy is like an alien creature moving around inside me, so it's pretty fun to guess what he is trying to move as it scrapes along my insides. Weird but totally cool and indiscribable!
I wish I could say this pregnancy has been a breeze, well it has for the most part except for my Kankles ( ankles and feet the size of small elephants) that pop up more often then not. The good news is it makes me sit ( obviously not sit and update my blog though ;) which I hardly do. Since my phone seems to be in my hand more often then my computer, I have decided to blog from my phone ( which I am by the way!)
So little guys baby brother is doing great on the other side of the world, if you have no idea what I'm talking about read my last post. Names are picked and the travel plans for the mom and dad are all set. They will be here Oct 3 till early Nov. So now to make sure this little guy doesn't want to make an escape before then.
Picture to follow soon!
Yes I am still pregnant! 5 weeks to go! Wow is that it? I can not believe it is almost over ( sad face). Yes I truly am one of those crazy women who enjoys being pregnant. I can actually let my stomach muscles relax and let it all 'hang out' and you can't even tell ;) And at this point the lil guy is like an alien creature moving around inside me, so it's pretty fun to guess what he is trying to move as it scrapes along my insides. Weird but totally cool and indiscribable!
I wish I could say this pregnancy has been a breeze, well it has for the most part except for my Kankles ( ankles and feet the size of small elephants) that pop up more often then not. The good news is it makes me sit ( obviously not sit and update my blog though ;) which I hardly do. Since my phone seems to be in my hand more often then my computer, I have decided to blog from my phone ( which I am by the way!)
So little guys baby brother is doing great on the other side of the world, if you have no idea what I'm talking about read my last post. Names are picked and the travel plans for the mom and dad are all set. They will be here Oct 3 till early Nov. So now to make sure this little guy doesn't want to make an escape before then.
Picture to follow soon!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
You will not believe this....
It has been far too long since I last blogged.
As you know Maria and Carlos were here visiting and it was a wonderful visit. We spent many days together hanging out and enjoying each others company. I think the visit gave us a chance to really connect (at least I thought so). Carlos and my husband seem to have similar joking personalities which brings Maria and I closer as we share the same rolling of the eye looks!
Two weeks after Carlos and Maria went home they had the opportunity to share with immediate family and close friends their news. They chose not to tell their family and close friends until the pregnancy was further along. They shared with me they were apprehensive to share the news, as Surrogacy is not something the 'common' person does where they are from, more something a movie star does or they hear about in magazines or movies. I was worried their family and friends would doubt my motives for Carlos and Maria. Well....
I was anxiously waiting for the news of how it went... I was hoping that their family and friends would be so happy and excited for them. I received a text from Maria saying she had to talk to me because so many wonderful things had happened. Of course I was happy, because that had to mean it went well.
We finally were able to skype a few days after that text and this is what she said to me....
She was with both their families, and very close friends and announced through surrogacy they were having a baby boy! They were able to show pictures of my family and I and even showed the 3D/4D ultrasound we did while they were here. They said they were so surprised from the response... Happiness and awe from everybody. Of course they were curious about the process but they were sooo happy for Carlos and Maria. ( I have even received an email from Maria's sister thanking me). As we were skyping and they were telling me all this, they than said something else had happened.....
A miracle!
The unthinkable, the 'your kidding', the most wonderful thing...... Maria is PREGNANT!!
Now I must back up and tell you a little about her situation without getting to much into her personal business. Maria had an illness that doctors advised against getting pregnant, she also had medications for that illness that would/could be harmful to a baby. Thankfully she is not dealing with that illness any longer but it had affected her body and put her hormone level at a very low level. She is also in her 40's which makes her egg quality low and much harder to conceive on her own. So you can see why pregnancy on their own was never a thought or even a possibility in their mind.
Well by some miracle they are! Carlos and Maria truly believe this would not of been possible if I had not been pregnant with their baby already. They said they really feel due to their dream becoming a reality, they were able to relax and this miracle has happened.
Maria has been to the doctor and specialist and her pregnancy is very strong and healthy and they will follow her carefully.
How far along is she you ask? Wellllll.... they are pretty much having twins ;) She is only 10 weeks behind me and they are having another baby boy!!!
They are so happy for this miracle and were worried how I would take it... I am sooo very happy for them and happy to be a part of this miracle!
I'm not sure if I can top this news for next time but I promise to write a little more often ;)
As you know Maria and Carlos were here visiting and it was a wonderful visit. We spent many days together hanging out and enjoying each others company. I think the visit gave us a chance to really connect (at least I thought so). Carlos and my husband seem to have similar joking personalities which brings Maria and I closer as we share the same rolling of the eye looks!
Two weeks after Carlos and Maria went home they had the opportunity to share with immediate family and close friends their news. They chose not to tell their family and close friends until the pregnancy was further along. They shared with me they were apprehensive to share the news, as Surrogacy is not something the 'common' person does where they are from, more something a movie star does or they hear about in magazines or movies. I was worried their family and friends would doubt my motives for Carlos and Maria. Well....
I was anxiously waiting for the news of how it went... I was hoping that their family and friends would be so happy and excited for them. I received a text from Maria saying she had to talk to me because so many wonderful things had happened. Of course I was happy, because that had to mean it went well.
We finally were able to skype a few days after that text and this is what she said to me....
She was with both their families, and very close friends and announced through surrogacy they were having a baby boy! They were able to show pictures of my family and I and even showed the 3D/4D ultrasound we did while they were here. They said they were so surprised from the response... Happiness and awe from everybody. Of course they were curious about the process but they were sooo happy for Carlos and Maria. ( I have even received an email from Maria's sister thanking me). As we were skyping and they were telling me all this, they than said something else had happened.....
A miracle!
The unthinkable, the 'your kidding', the most wonderful thing...... Maria is PREGNANT!!
Now I must back up and tell you a little about her situation without getting to much into her personal business. Maria had an illness that doctors advised against getting pregnant, she also had medications for that illness that would/could be harmful to a baby. Thankfully she is not dealing with that illness any longer but it had affected her body and put her hormone level at a very low level. She is also in her 40's which makes her egg quality low and much harder to conceive on her own. So you can see why pregnancy on their own was never a thought or even a possibility in their mind.
Well by some miracle they are! Carlos and Maria truly believe this would not of been possible if I had not been pregnant with their baby already. They said they really feel due to their dream becoming a reality, they were able to relax and this miracle has happened.
Maria has been to the doctor and specialist and her pregnancy is very strong and healthy and they will follow her carefully.
How far along is she you ask? Wellllll.... they are pretty much having twins ;) She is only 10 weeks behind me and they are having another baby boy!!!
They are so happy for this miracle and were worried how I would take it... I am sooo very happy for them and happy to be a part of this miracle!
I'm not sure if I can top this news for next time but I promise to write a little more often ;)
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
We found out.....
It has been a busy few days!
Carlos and Maria hare here!! My IPs came in on Saturday and we had them over for dinner on Sunday. This was going to be the first time they were to meet my husband and children. I was a little nervous to say the least. My gosh, the last time I saw them was a year ago and we only saw each other for a few hours. We do skype but it is different. I was so worried about what to cook, I definitely am not a cook. I decided on pasta with homemade marinara and salad and pie, but when I told my husband he said "oh no we need more than that" so he volunteered to cook some chicken. 'Yes!' <----- that is me excited that I did not have to cook that ;) See I really do not like to cook.
So they came over and everything was great, I really need to learn to not stress about things (afterthought of course). They are a wonderful, sweet, fun, and loving couple.
The next day we went to lunch and then had a 3D/4D ultrasound! And it is with shocking news to say they are having a.....BOY!! I say shocking because I was so sure it was a girl! My spidey instincts failed me ;) They are sooo excited and happy and are now eagerly debating boy names between the two of them. I suggested Baxter because he is my third child (my doggie-son)! LOL
Today we are going to get together and look for a stroller so they can leave it at my house. I LOVE shopping for baby items, so this should be fun!
Oh did I mention their little man is measuring slightly larger than expected.... After seeing that I turned to Carlos and said "uhhmm exactly how much did you weigh when you were born" ;) This could be interesting!
Until next time.....
Carlos and Maria hare here!! My IPs came in on Saturday and we had them over for dinner on Sunday. This was going to be the first time they were to meet my husband and children. I was a little nervous to say the least. My gosh, the last time I saw them was a year ago and we only saw each other for a few hours. We do skype but it is different. I was so worried about what to cook, I definitely am not a cook. I decided on pasta with homemade marinara and salad and pie, but when I told my husband he said "oh no we need more than that" so he volunteered to cook some chicken. 'Yes!' <----- that is me excited that I did not have to cook that ;) See I really do not like to cook.
So they came over and everything was great, I really need to learn to not stress about things (afterthought of course). They are a wonderful, sweet, fun, and loving couple.
The next day we went to lunch and then had a 3D/4D ultrasound! And it is with shocking news to say they are having a.....BOY!! I say shocking because I was so sure it was a girl! My spidey instincts failed me ;) They are sooo excited and happy and are now eagerly debating boy names between the two of them. I suggested Baxter because he is my third child (my doggie-son)! LOL
Today we are going to get together and look for a stroller so they can leave it at my house. I LOVE shopping for baby items, so this should be fun!
Oh did I mention their little man is measuring slightly larger than expected.... After seeing that I turned to Carlos and said "uhhmm exactly how much did you weigh when you were born" ;) This could be interesting!
Until next time.....
Saturday, May 5, 2012
I felt something...
I finally felt his/her little movements the other day! And I was so happy to tell the parents on a very special day for them!
Today is break out the maternity clothes day! The jeans are just too snug these days. Pretty sure the rubber band holding them together at the snap is not going to work anymore ;)
Not quite looking pregnant yet, but plump in the front!
Have a great weekend!
Today is break out the maternity clothes day! The jeans are just too snug these days. Pretty sure the rubber band holding them together at the snap is not going to work anymore ;)
Not quite looking pregnant yet, but plump in the front!
Have a great weekend!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Feeling good!
Wow what a difference from a few weeks ago till now! This was my first pregnancy where I felt blah during the first trimester. I feel great now!
Latest cravings are fruit and spicy... wait I always like spicy....so cross that out, that's just a constant desire ;)
Bought a couple things the other day that will STretCH.. so not quite maternity but not quite your average slim fitting outfit either (not that I wear slim fitting... a girl can always dream).
Still waiting to feel the little munchkin move so I can excitingly tell it's momma and papa, but no such luck yet.
Excitingly anticipating my Intended Parents arrival in late May. I think these visits are important for them as well as myself. They can see how I am doing and I get to see how excited they are for their upcoming arrival. Besides all that fun stuff it allows us to grow closer, which I cherish as part of this surrogacy journey.
Four months!
Until next time.......
Latest cravings are fruit and spicy... wait I always like spicy....so cross that out, that's just a constant desire ;)
Bought a couple things the other day that will STretCH.. so not quite maternity but not quite your average slim fitting outfit either (not that I wear slim fitting... a girl can always dream).
Still waiting to feel the little munchkin move so I can excitingly tell it's momma and papa, but no such luck yet.
Excitingly anticipating my Intended Parents arrival in late May. I think these visits are important for them as well as myself. They can see how I am doing and I get to see how excited they are for their upcoming arrival. Besides all that fun stuff it allows us to grow closer, which I cherish as part of this surrogacy journey.
Four months!
Until next time.......
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Well it's official
Well it's official... no more sucking it in... I'm showing!
Sent a picture to Carlos and Maria so they can see instead of always hearing the news! I can't wait till they visit and can actually see their baby growing and maybe feel him/her moving! I am still waiting to feel the baby move. That will be exciting news to share with them too.
I will post a picture soon of my expanding belly.
Till next time, babysitter is off to bed early like a toddler (or a pregnant women). Sweet dreams!
Sent a picture to Carlos and Maria so they can see instead of always hearing the news! I can't wait till they visit and can actually see their baby growing and maybe feel him/her moving! I am still waiting to feel the baby move. That will be exciting news to share with them too.
I will post a picture soon of my expanding belly.
Till next time, babysitter is off to bed early like a toddler (or a pregnant women). Sweet dreams!
Friday, April 13, 2012
The Orange and I
The Orange and I (see timeline above, that is how big the baby is now) are doing great. Feel like a whole new women with the morning sickness and tiredness slowly diminishing. Last week I went into an ultrasound place and had a nuchal screening done (IPs request), happy to say baby looks fine and the results came back that it is a...... baby!! haha got you! The IPs asked me not to find out the sex until they come out here in May and we can find out together. Of course the first thing the ultrasound tech says to me is "so I think at this point we can see what it is...do you want to know"it took all that I had to say no! In May when Carlos and Maria visit (yay!) we will go to one of the comfy, intimate, ultrasound places (the one I used in San Diego was XDI Ultrasound and loved it) and have a full ultrasound done so they can see their baby in 3D/4D and finally be able to call it a him or her and possibly a name!
Had my first OB appointment a couple weeks ago. I ended up at the last minute being switched to a different Nurse Midwife and she was great. So now I have two women there that I would love to be seen by. Its always interesting to see their reaction to my being a surrogate. She seemed very inquisitive, like this was still so new to her. Or maybe she was just curious as to my situation. Of course I love to talk about it to any willing and open minded ears!
Here is a baby shot at 13 weeks! I love how he/she seems to be chilling out, one arm back behind its head!
So yes I finally have the baby fat belly going on ;) The stomach where the women looks plump in stomach, not quite pregnant. Maria said she would love to see a picture of my belly and I had to warn her that at this point it is just my belly fat being pushed out rather than a belly full of baby! Had to throw in the disclaimer to her....didn't want to shock her!
Had my first OB appointment a couple weeks ago. I ended up at the last minute being switched to a different Nurse Midwife and she was great. So now I have two women there that I would love to be seen by. Its always interesting to see their reaction to my being a surrogate. She seemed very inquisitive, like this was still so new to her. Or maybe she was just curious as to my situation. Of course I love to talk about it to any willing and open minded ears!

Thursday, March 22, 2012
Ohhh Haaapppyyyy Daaayyyysssss
Good news....for me at least. I get to stop all the medications this weekend! (singing) Oh happy dayyyyysssss!!
Set up the first OB doctor appointment for April 5th. Neat little story about that. Like I said before I had to take multi steps just to make the first OB appointment. Yesterday I turned in all the paperwork and sat down with an intake girl to make that appointment. So I have 3 choices of places I can go for care. At first I try to set up the appointment at the last place I was seen for my surrogacy and I tried to get my same doctor as last time who I loved. But he was not available for many weeks. So I asked about the other locations and she said one of them is staffed with Midwives. Now if you really know me you know that is right up my alley. So I was excited to be seen and taken care of by midwifes. So the women pulls up the list of available midwives and up comes this name I recognize! This midwife/nurse practitioner used to be my Gynocologist and I absolutely loved her and was so sad when I heard she had left the main doctors office. So of course I made the appointment with her. So I envision the first appointment with her remembering me and me so excited to see her...... I'm delusional, because she probably won't have a clue as to who I am, but I can pretend right ;)
Set up the first OB doctor appointment for April 5th. Neat little story about that. Like I said before I had to take multi steps just to make the first OB appointment. Yesterday I turned in all the paperwork and sat down with an intake girl to make that appointment. So I have 3 choices of places I can go for care. At first I try to set up the appointment at the last place I was seen for my surrogacy and I tried to get my same doctor as last time who I loved. But he was not available for many weeks. So I asked about the other locations and she said one of them is staffed with Midwives. Now if you really know me you know that is right up my alley. So I was excited to be seen and taken care of by midwifes. So the women pulls up the list of available midwives and up comes this name I recognize! This midwife/nurse practitioner used to be my Gynocologist and I absolutely loved her and was so sad when I heard she had left the main doctors office. So of course I made the appointment with her. So I envision the first appointment with her remembering me and me so excited to see her...... I'm delusional, because she probably won't have a clue as to who I am, but I can pretend right ;)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
I'm here...
Sorry for the break in writing. I have not felt the best lately. It is not for the lack of what to say more that I come home from work, shovel some food in and then pass out. I have the first trimester tiredness and nausea going on. Not complaining, just telling you like it is. Upside is (always an upside) only a few weeks left of the first trimester, and the really good news is, the food that goes in, stays in ;)
I went in last week to start the process for my own OB appointments (yes I am done with the IVF doctor). The funny requirement that my OB doctor has is you need to take a urine test to check for pregnancy before they will even talk to you about OB appointments. So of course I had to go in and do a urine test. So when they handed me the paper that said positive, I wanted to shout out "WHAT, I'm pregnant, I can't believe it". But I held back.....
Until next time, with ginger ale in hand.....
I went in last week to start the process for my own OB appointments (yes I am done with the IVF doctor). The funny requirement that my OB doctor has is you need to take a urine test to check for pregnancy before they will even talk to you about OB appointments. So of course I had to go in and do a urine test. So when they handed me the paper that said positive, I wanted to shout out "WHAT, I'm pregnant, I can't believe it". But I held back.....
Until next time, with ginger ale in hand.....
Monday, March 5, 2012
I am doomed...
I am doomed, went to the store today and bought not ONE but TWO cakes!
Oh and I must mention my first craving. Let me start by saying I eat a pretty healthy diet. No red meat, a lot of vegetables and not much junk food and very rarely soda. So what sounded fabulous to me the other day.....a coca cola! and it was soooooo good! I am doomed I know it!
Last appointment with the IVF doctor and last ultrasound tomorrow with him as well (Notice how I did not mention last of the medication,still have a few weeks of that to go)! I have been trying to put up the video from the first ultrasound but I am having no luck with that. I will post a picture at least.
I'm off to stare at the cakes for a while....
Oh and I must mention my first craving. Let me start by saying I eat a pretty healthy diet. No red meat, a lot of vegetables and not much junk food and very rarely soda. So what sounded fabulous to me the other day.....a coca cola! and it was soooooo good! I am doomed I know it!
Last appointment with the IVF doctor and last ultrasound tomorrow with him as well (Notice how I did not mention last of the medication,still have a few weeks of that to go)! I have been trying to put up the video from the first ultrasound but I am having no luck with that. I will post a picture at least.
I'm off to stare at the cakes for a while....
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Were there three, two, or one???
I am VERY happy to say Carlos and Maria have ONE little precious baby growing inside me! We even got to see and hear the heartbeat. Amazing what technology allows these days. It is the size of a small seed and we have the technology to zero in on it's heart, hear its heartbeat, measure the baby and see it...Sesame Seed people..... Amazing!
Yes, there could of been three babies by the way. Since two embryos were implanted one of them could of split to make identical twins. If that is the case both the embryos could of split so I actually could carry quadruplets... but lets not get crazy!
Carlos and Maria are over the moon with happiness. As I said before they only wanted to put in one embryo to have one child, but they went with the Dr.'s recommendation. So the possibility of twins was very scary, among other things for them.
I am still taking the medications to trick my body into feeling/being pregnant. Another few weeks and my body will take over on its own. So until then we wait, watch the baby grow, and hope he/she sticks around!
Signing off.....babysitter of one ;)
Yes, there could of been three babies by the way. Since two embryos were implanted one of them could of split to make identical twins. If that is the case both the embryos could of split so I actually could carry quadruplets... but lets not get crazy!
Carlos and Maria are over the moon with happiness. As I said before they only wanted to put in one embryo to have one child, but they went with the Dr.'s recommendation. So the possibility of twins was very scary, among other things for them.
I am still taking the medications to trick my body into feeling/being pregnant. Another few weeks and my body will take over on its own. So until then we wait, watch the baby grow, and hope he/she sticks around!
Signing off.....babysitter of one ;)
Friday, February 17, 2012
Of course I jinxed myself....
I should of known writing the last blog I would jinx myself.
Heart burn 3x so far. Woke up with heartburn this morning....is that even possible?! So I guess Tums and I will be good friends this pregnancy! Everything else is great, the first ultrasound appointment is set for Tuesday the 21st at 10:30. If I can I will put up pictures of the ultrasound or maybe some video!
Heart burn 3x so far. Woke up with heartburn this morning....is that even possible?! So I guess Tums and I will be good friends this pregnancy! Everything else is great, the first ultrasound appointment is set for Tuesday the 21st at 10:30. If I can I will put up pictures of the ultrasound or maybe some video!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The countdown (yawn) till the ultrasound.......
All is well with the little baby or babies (so my blood test says)! I did another blood draw yesterday to check my HCG levels to make sure the pregnancy is still progressing. My HCG level was 4155. I am told that is a good number..Now to find out next week if it is a strong number for two little munchkins or one super strong one!
I told the nurse yesterday when she called to tell me my numbers that I was glad they had blood tests to prove pregnancy because I don't even feel pregnant. The only side effect I feel so far, is I am tired...which is not the same as sleepy (according to my friends and I recent discussion). The conversation began with how I continuously yawn these days, I told them I can't help it and that I promise I was not going to fall asleep on them. Trust me I am soooo not complaining about not feeling pregnant (and yes I have knocked on wood while writing this), it is a great feeling!
Till next week with news of how many........
PS. Happy Valentines Day!
I told the nurse yesterday when she called to tell me my numbers that I was glad they had blood tests to prove pregnancy because I don't even feel pregnant. The only side effect I feel so far, is I am tired...which is not the same as sleepy (according to my friends and I recent discussion). The conversation began with how I continuously yawn these days, I told them I can't help it and that I promise I was not going to fall asleep on them. Trust me I am soooo not complaining about not feeling pregnant (and yes I have knocked on wood while writing this), it is a great feeling!
Till next week with news of how many........
PS. Happy Valentines Day!
Monday, February 6, 2012
So is the baby/s staying for chocolate??
Can embryos hear in utero.......I think this one or two did......He/she is staying for chocolate!!
We are pregnant!!!
My HCG level was 300. Anything over 50 is good. We are told 300 is a very good strong number. Strong like twins or strong like your one embryo is a rockstar we are not sure!?
I was able to ask the IVF nurse if she could let me tell the parents so I could surprise them. All this week I was hinting at Carlos and Maria to try to be on skype during their nighttime today so we could find out 'together'.... I couldn't resist surprising them. So I logged onto skype from work and waited for Maria to get on. I was getting worried because I did not see her for awhile. 15 minutes after I got the call she was there!! So I made a paper saying in large letters 'Congratuations Mamma y Pappa!' As soon as I video called her I held it up so that was the first thing she would see... And she was so cute saying "wait, what" what does that say... is it true?" Like she knew what she was reading but couldn't believe it. She was so happy!! How can I not love being a surrogate? I just got to tell a couple their dream for a child is now a reality!
The next step is I go in for more blood work in a week and test to see if my HCG levels have doubled. We want them to double, it means the pregnancy is going exactly how it should. If that goes well the all telling ultrasound follows.
Thank goodness it is Girl Scout Cookie time.... this baby wants some chocolate! MMMmmmmm Samoas!! (Maria and Carlos.. I will have to send you some) An American staple!
We are pregnant!!!
My HCG level was 300. Anything over 50 is good. We are told 300 is a very good strong number. Strong like twins or strong like your one embryo is a rockstar we are not sure!?
I was able to ask the IVF nurse if she could let me tell the parents so I could surprise them. All this week I was hinting at Carlos and Maria to try to be on skype during their nighttime today so we could find out 'together'.... I couldn't resist surprising them. So I logged onto skype from work and waited for Maria to get on. I was getting worried because I did not see her for awhile. 15 minutes after I got the call she was there!! So I made a paper saying in large letters 'Congratuations Mamma y Pappa!' As soon as I video called her I held it up so that was the first thing she would see... And she was so cute saying "wait, what" what does that say... is it true?" Like she knew what she was reading but couldn't believe it. She was so happy!! How can I not love being a surrogate? I just got to tell a couple their dream for a child is now a reality!
The next step is I go in for more blood work in a week and test to see if my HCG levels have doubled. We want them to double, it means the pregnancy is going exactly how it should. If that goes well the all telling ultrasound follows.
Thank goodness it is Girl Scout Cookie time.... this baby wants some chocolate! MMMmmmmm Samoas!! (Maria and Carlos.. I will have to send you some) An American staple!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Day 6 Post Transfer
Six more long long days till the official blood test to see if we are pregnant!! The wait is so hard. The first few days after the transfer I felt some achyness down south (aka cramps ;) Which I am told is a good sign after a transfer. It means things are 'happening' and the embryos are hopefully burrowing into my uterine lining.
I speak to Carlos and Maria almost every day. They are trying to stay busy so they don't dwell on the wait. They are so sweet, and caring. I can only imagine what is going through their minds.....
I wasn't sure I wanted to add this but thinking about it for awhile I have decided to: My birthday was the day before the transfer and a day before that I received a birthday package in the mail from Carlos and Maria. This is not something they had to do, nor is it ever expected by me. It was very sweet and touching, a sign of caring, sweet and loving people. I wanted to share this with you, so you get a little glimpse of who they are.
I promise to return in a few day with the results.......
PS. I have now promised the baby/s if they stay, chocolate! Who can pass THAT up!?!?
I speak to Carlos and Maria almost every day. They are trying to stay busy so they don't dwell on the wait. They are so sweet, and caring. I can only imagine what is going through their minds.....
I wasn't sure I wanted to add this but thinking about it for awhile I have decided to: My birthday was the day before the transfer and a day before that I received a birthday package in the mail from Carlos and Maria. This is not something they had to do, nor is it ever expected by me. It was very sweet and touching, a sign of caring, sweet and loving people. I wanted to share this with you, so you get a little glimpse of who they are.
I promise to return in a few day with the results.......
PS. I have now promised the baby/s if they stay, chocolate! Who can pass THAT up!?!?
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Sticky Thoughts
So it's done, I am officially babysitting! I went in for the transfer yesterday late afternoon. A couple hours before I arrived at the clinic I got an email from Carlos saying he spoke with the doctor and all was set to put in one embryo. The doctor said there was one excellent quality embryo and two ok/good quality ones.
So we get to the doctors office early and wait. While we wait my friend gave me some fun socks to wear during the procedure. They were knee high striped super hero socks!! She knew I would love these because of my blog tittle. So for awhile we came up with fun snappy sayings for my socks. The best one was; Super Sticky Sexy Surrogate Socks!
So it's time for the transfer and they take us back into the room. Oh I forgot to mention the Valium I had to take 45 min before the procedure. So as I got into the room I was still waiting for it to kick in. I was supposed to lay there for 30 min to relax.. I lay there trying to get Carlos and Maria on skype via an I Touch. Of course the Internet was not working in the procedure room so I sent my friend to ask for the 'secret' code. I told her to do what she had to to get it ;) Darnit I wanted Carlos and Maria there with me...so whatever it took! Yes she got the code, and yes she said she had to be sugary sweet to get it. As I am trying to get my internet up who knocks on my door? Cora, one of the owners of the surrogacy agency! She had mentioned that she wanted to be there with me but that the time for the procedure was really late and she had another appointment. But she was planning on coming the whole time... sneaky girl! So I had a very good friend with me and Cora..it was perfect and yes I ended up getting Carlos and Maria on skype so they were there too ;) It was wonderful.
Let me back up a a bit. When I finally got Carlos and Maria on skype the doctor walked in and asked if he could possibly speak with them since I had them on the phone. What he ended up telling them was that at this time (he had just come from looking at the embryos) he felt it was a better decision to put two embryos in. The reason he decided this was because, even though they still had one excellent embryo the other two he spoke to them earlier about worried him. He said he did not feel they would survive through a freezing if they were not used today. He suggested two be put in so the chances of pregnancy were higher the first time. He also said the two embryos in there would help each other survive or at least help the stronger one survive. Survival of the fittest it sounds like. So this was decided minutes before the procedure which was ok for me but I knew Carlos and Maria were worried about that decision. But they decided from the start that whatever the doctor recommended is what they would do. So TWO it is!
The whole procedure lasted about 10 minutes and with no pain! After it was over I lay with my head lower than my uterus for about 30 minutes and then I was done! Could this be any easier? I don't think so. So now here I am laying on the couch for the remainder of the day taking it easy and hoping these little babies will settle in for the next 9 months! I even promised the babies that i would provide entertainment and yummy food if they stay ;)
Oh, note to self...Valium and trying to put an intelligent sentence together is not so easy! Better stick to grunting or uh huh's next time!!
So we get to the doctors office early and wait. While we wait my friend gave me some fun socks to wear during the procedure. They were knee high striped super hero socks!! She knew I would love these because of my blog tittle. So for awhile we came up with fun snappy sayings for my socks. The best one was; Super Sticky Sexy Surrogate Socks!
So it's time for the transfer and they take us back into the room. Oh I forgot to mention the Valium I had to take 45 min before the procedure. So as I got into the room I was still waiting for it to kick in. I was supposed to lay there for 30 min to relax.. I lay there trying to get Carlos and Maria on skype via an I Touch. Of course the Internet was not working in the procedure room so I sent my friend to ask for the 'secret' code. I told her to do what she had to to get it ;) Darnit I wanted Carlos and Maria there with me...so whatever it took! Yes she got the code, and yes she said she had to be sugary sweet to get it. As I am trying to get my internet up who knocks on my door? Cora, one of the owners of the surrogacy agency! She had mentioned that she wanted to be there with me but that the time for the procedure was really late and she had another appointment. But she was planning on coming the whole time... sneaky girl! So I had a very good friend with me and Cora..it was perfect and yes I ended up getting Carlos and Maria on skype so they were there too ;) It was wonderful.
Let me back up a a bit. When I finally got Carlos and Maria on skype the doctor walked in and asked if he could possibly speak with them since I had them on the phone. What he ended up telling them was that at this time (he had just come from looking at the embryos) he felt it was a better decision to put two embryos in. The reason he decided this was because, even though they still had one excellent embryo the other two he spoke to them earlier about worried him. He said he did not feel they would survive through a freezing if they were not used today. He suggested two be put in so the chances of pregnancy were higher the first time. He also said the two embryos in there would help each other survive or at least help the stronger one survive. Survival of the fittest it sounds like. So this was decided minutes before the procedure which was ok for me but I knew Carlos and Maria were worried about that decision. But they decided from the start that whatever the doctor recommended is what they would do. So TWO it is!
The whole procedure lasted about 10 minutes and with no pain! After it was over I lay with my head lower than my uterus for about 30 minutes and then I was done! Could this be any easier? I don't think so. So now here I am laying on the couch for the remainder of the day taking it easy and hoping these little babies will settle in for the next 9 months! I even promised the babies that i would provide entertainment and yummy food if they stay ;)
Oh, note to self...Valium and trying to put an intelligent sentence together is not so easy! Better stick to grunting or uh huh's next time!!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Today is the big Transfer day! Woooo hooooo.
As of yesterday the embryos were developing nicely. The more cell development the better, so as of yesterday 8 of the embryos had 8 cells. They wanted to see anywhere from 5 to 8 cell development, which they have!
I am so excited to start this journey for Carlos and Maria. I look forward to the day they can hold their baby in their arms and know their dream has come true! It's all about helping someone else achieve their dream.
Now lets get this baby nice and comfy and hope that he/she sticks like glue ;)
Time to become the 'babysitter'!
As of yesterday the embryos were developing nicely. The more cell development the better, so as of yesterday 8 of the embryos had 8 cells. They wanted to see anywhere from 5 to 8 cell development, which they have!
I am so excited to start this journey for Carlos and Maria. I look forward to the day they can hold their baby in their arms and know their dream has come true! It's all about helping someone else achieve their dream.
Now lets get this baby nice and comfy and hope that he/she sticks like glue ;)
Time to become the 'babysitter'!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
3 DAYS!!!!
Time has flown and here we are 3 days away from the big day! Found out yesterday my IP's egg donor was able to produce 25 eggs!! That is a wonderful amount! So now the embryologist is 'growing' them, and come 3 days from now... the best shall be used. I will let you know if Carlos and Maria decide to put in one embryo or two. Carlos and Maria would really like one child, so they are hoping the doctor will only put one in. Let me just say most doctors usually put in two so that your chances are better that ONE will take. This doctor has already put one in a few surrogates I know and both girls have gotten pregnant. I really hope this will be my case. It is a one shot deal here! Yes I would try again for them if need be (not even thinking along that path right now..... only good and positive juju)
So I started my last type of injected hormone the other day. For fear I might go off the deep end with my choice of words to describe my feelings for this last shot I will leave it at ~ I rather do many other things. As you have read in my other postings I am not too fond of this part, yet I know how necessary it is. It is a double edged needle... I mean sword!
The transfer day, one day after my birthday (has to be lucky right ;) is a painless transfer of the embryo/s into my oh so comfy uterus! I have so much to do before the big day.... breath in fumes at the mani/pedi place, dye my hair in an unventilated area (just poking fun ~ read past post) ! Till next time....
So I started my last type of injected hormone the other day. For fear I might go off the deep end with my choice of words to describe my feelings for this last shot I will leave it at ~ I rather do many other things. As you have read in my other postings I am not too fond of this part, yet I know how necessary it is. It is a double edged needle... I mean sword!
The transfer day, one day after my birthday (has to be lucky right ;) is a painless transfer of the embryo/s into my oh so comfy uterus! I have so much to do before the big day.... breath in fumes at the mani/pedi place, dye my hair in an unventilated area (just poking fun ~ read past post) ! Till next time....
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Getting Closer to the Big Day!
We are only 9 to 10 days away from the big Transfer day! EEEeeee....gulp At this point it still seems unreal that in just a few days I will be pregnant (so we all hope). Went to the IVF clinic yesterday and the doc found my uterus lining to be A~mazing. Just kidding. He said it was exactly how it should be at this point into the cycle. So I am to continue the injections till Monday when they will be checking the donors egg production. Depending on what they see, they will start me on the last medication and I will begin the countdown to becoming 'the babysitter'! Can't wait!
Today I was able to go with a friend, who is also a surrogate to her transfer appointment. It was such a wonderful, exciting experience to witness this miracle happening right in front of me. And to top it off her IP's were able to witness all of it via skype (told you skype is a wonderful tool)!
Carlos and Maria email every few days to see how I am and how the shots are going. I actually got a note saying they are getting 'a little more excited'....Woohooo
Today I was able to go with a friend, who is also a surrogate to her transfer appointment. It was such a wonderful, exciting experience to witness this miracle happening right in front of me. And to top it off her IP's were able to witness all of it via skype (told you skype is a wonderful tool)!
Carlos and Maria email every few days to see how I am and how the shots are going. I actually got a note saying they are getting 'a little more excited'....Woohooo
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Skype....such a wonderful tool!
Just spent the last 2 hours skyping with my IPs Carlos and Maria. We have not skyped with video in months and this was their first time meeting my husband (he has been working in Cuba for the last year and a half). Soooo I am not sure if my husbands crazy humor scared them, confused them, made them feel for me, or if they actually enjoyed him?!?!
They are such a nice couple. I love how when we talk about distance, height etc they break out their Ipad and convert as we speak so they understand what we are talking about. It seems, if they lived only a few miles away then a few airplane trips away we could easily sit around a table and enjoy conversation and some yummy wine. They are thinking about visiting in May. I really hope they can and it works out.
Well that is it for now....just about time to stab, I mean inject myself ;)
They are such a nice couple. I love how when we talk about distance, height etc they break out their Ipad and convert as we speak so they understand what we are talking about. It seems, if they lived only a few miles away then a few airplane trips away we could easily sit around a table and enjoy conversation and some yummy wine. They are thinking about visiting in May. I really hope they can and it works out.
Well that is it for now....just about time to stab, I mean inject myself ;)
Friday, January 6, 2012
Well I started the big one..
The hormone shot time is officially here.. I have just started taking Delestrogen to start padding my uterine lining to make a nice comfy place for an embryo to attach to. Now this shot is only taken every three days (no biggie you say) but this shot goes into your hip, into the fatty area of the hip which is sooooo hard for me to find (wink wink). But the not so fun thing about this shot is the size of the needle... I must take a picture for you all to see... words can not describe it. Also, as soon as they feel my hormone level is where it needs to be they will have me start taking Progesterone which is also another hormone shot into the hip every day with the same fabulous needle!
Even though this is possibly the only hard/disliked thing about the journey it is only for a short period of time, when you look at the big picture. Yes, while you are in the shot process it feels like a long period of time but when you look back at this it really was a brief period to a wonderful beginning(at least this is what I will be hoping for again!) FYI... shots do not stop after you are pregnant. The injected hormones insure that your body is making the correct amount for the newly implanted embryo. And when the doctor feels like it will be stable without the shots (about 10 weeks after pregnancy) that's when he/she has you wean off of them.
Oh I forgot to mention there is usually some weight gain that goes along with these shots I have begun taking and will begin taking. BUT I am pretty sure, according to my new years pictures I took, all the weight has found itself into my NECK! LOL.....good times!
Even though this is possibly the only hard/disliked thing about the journey it is only for a short period of time, when you look at the big picture. Yes, while you are in the shot process it feels like a long period of time but when you look back at this it really was a brief period to a wonderful beginning(at least this is what I will be hoping for again!) FYI... shots do not stop after you are pregnant. The injected hormones insure that your body is making the correct amount for the newly implanted embryo. And when the doctor feels like it will be stable without the shots (about 10 weeks after pregnancy) that's when he/she has you wean off of them.
Oh I forgot to mention there is usually some weight gain that goes along with these shots I have begun taking and will begin taking. BUT I am pretty sure, according to my new years pictures I took, all the weight has found itself into my NECK! LOL.....good times!
Monday, January 2, 2012
So far so good!
So far so good. Shots in the tummy are going fine. Just one crazy bruise that showed up a day later. Not sure how that happened, I didn't even have any pain with that shot or really any of these as a matter of fact. Just a few headaches here and there which is caused by the lupron. Nothing a little Tylenol can't fix. Maria and Carlos seem to be getting excited, still apprehensive but allowing themselves a little more hope (seems this way to me at least).
My youngest daughter wanted to give me the shot but backed out when she realized how hard it is to pierce someone else. She has stepped up to become 'the pusher' of the medication after I do the piercing.
In two days I go in to do some blood work which will tell the docs if I am ready to begin one of the two hormone shots.
Can't believe there is a possibility we can be pregnant in 21 days! 3 WEEKS!
My youngest daughter wanted to give me the shot but backed out when she realized how hard it is to pierce someone else. She has stepped up to become 'the pusher' of the medication after I do the piercing.
In two days I go in to do some blood work which will tell the docs if I am ready to begin one of the two hormone shots.
Can't believe there is a possibility we can be pregnant in 21 days! 3 WEEKS!
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